The Pros and Cons of Strattera A Nonstimulant medication for ADHD
Ritalin and Strattera are drugs used to treat ADHD in children and adults. You can only get them with a prescription from your doctor. If you take high doses of Ritalin and develop a physical or psychological dependence, you may get withdrawal symptoms such as…
What is an Oxford House? Oxford House Recovery Homes
All they need to do is to find a house to rent in the name of the group, and apply to Oxford House, Inc., for a charter. Nearly all members of Oxford House utilize the AA and/or NA program in order to obtain and keep…
Tips to stop drinking out of boredom
The sooner you get help and start working on it, the sooner you can break free of it. Talking with a trained therapist, especially one who understands substance abuse, is important. They can give you tools and resources for navigating everything you’re feeling (or not…
Struggles with Alcoholism: A Journey from Denial to Recovery
These individuals may become offended or enraged if someone suggests they may have a drinking problem. Denial is a defense mechanism for people suffering from addiction, and it is one factor that can keep them from seeking life-saving treatment. Those with “closet” AUD may acknowledge…
Binge-Worthy Recovery Podcast List By The Sober Curator
This Naked Mind provides an honest and open look at how alcohol can impact our lives and how powerful it can be to find freedom from drinking. Podcasts are one of the most popular ways to enjoy content nowadays. This includes podcasts that discuss alcohol…
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